Madam. Stina
- Farmers From Kampung Payang
- Her farm is located on the hill
- The farm, is a family heirloom which has been passed down to her from the previous generation, will likely be handed over to the next after she retires
- Passion
- Love

As a first generation crops farmer in the family, Stina ak Boham, (48), along with her husband and their three kids, run her agriculture business in Kampung Payang. Her farm is located on the hill. The farm, is a family heirloom which has been passed down to her from the previous generation, will likely be handed over to the next after she retires. There are a lot of crops in her farm such as rubber, langsat, various species of banana like pisang keling, pisang otel, pisang embun, pisang batu etc. All the banana seedlings are provided by the government.
A long way to reach her farm
Every day, accompanied by her 8-year-old daughter, Stina climbed the hill to reach the farm, which took them about 30 minutes. Her husband worked in the transportation sector before he retired and later on running their farming business together. Before this, they used to sell their crops at Emart Market but no more after MCO (Movement Control Order). Stina is very friendly with her warm smile always on her face with her talkative personality.

Years of farming
Given the effort that Kak Stina had been operating for years with her professionalism and knowledge on plants and harvest for everyone to consume, we hope that everyone could understand that it’s not easy for a farmer to maintain and grow crops and fruits under such hot weather! Lastly we hope everyone would take away something from reading the magnificent and inspiring story from Kak Stina.
From the increase in income, Kak Stina’s family can buy their groceries and do house repair and extension.

Her Produces
Help Stina
Little By Little, Little Becomes A lot
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ― Thomas Jefferson. We look forward to collaborating and assisting Madam Stina and her family in sustainable farming and marketing more of her products and attracting more potential customers for her product through Farmily. Stay tuned for more updates on her journey towards sustainability!
Email us for further information: farmilyfarm.malaysia@gmail.com