Mr. Christopher


Mr. Christopher

  • Farmer From Kampung Payang
  • Started farming during the implementation of movement control order
  • Has 4 acres of farm in total

  • Passion
  • Love

The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
Mr. Christopher

Movement control order has impacted most of us significantly. The pandemic has a big effect on farmers. Several hundred tonnes of harvested produce were not sold and dumped, resulting in daily losses of RM1 million for 2,300 farmers.

Mr. Christopher's Farm

Mr Christopher, from Kampung Payang, has started farming during the implementation of movement control order. He has 4 acres of farm in total. He plants various kinds of crops such as banana, tapioca, lemongrass, pineapple, green coconut, and terung asam. He also plants rubber trees, keladi, pokok kacang, daun simpoh, daun ubi, paddy, papaya, chillies, and farms tilapia. Surprisingly, there are no signs of diseases found in his farm. He uses NPK green as his fertiliser, and paraquat as chemical control for the weeds and grass control. He used paraquat to remove all the weeds before, but it cannot be applied in the existing paddy field as it is harmful to the paddy. 

farm 2

His Plan

Agriculture is the wisest investment we can make, since it can ultimately add the most to real money, morality, and satisfaction. Through our farming contract, Mr Christopher is motivated to plant more crops in the future with the complementation of sustainable farming concept. The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.

His Produces

Help Christopher

Little By Little, Little Becomes A lot

“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ― Thomas Jefferson. We look forward to collaborating and assisting Mr. Christopher and his family in sustainable farming and marketing more of his products and attracting more potential customers for his product through Farmily. Stay tuned for more updates on his journey towards sustainability!


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