Mr. Muning
- A 70 year old uncle (Muning ak Sareng) who lived alone in Kampung Danu
- Because of the lockdown, Pak Muning’s family members from other towns are unable to return to the village to take care of him
- Passion
- Love

We recall a 70 year old uncle (Muning ak Sareng) who lived alone in Kampung Danu. Because of the lockdown, Pak Muning’s family members from other towns are unable to return to the village to take care of him. After hearing his plight, we were motivated to go to his farm to lend him a helping hand.
His struggle during lockdown
We bought whatever products he harvested at a higher price and he was pleasantly surprised. Although this money may not be much to most of us, for him, it is the difference between putting food on the table or starving. He no longer has to struggle to find a platform to sell his crops and does not worry about whether he has enough money for his next meal. His words “Terima Kasih” has really moved us and has motivated us to keep striving to help those in need.

Finally, reunite with his children
[Update Year 2021] Pak Muning’s children have returned to Kuching a few months after the lock-down and he has been moved to Kuching town area (MJC), staying happily together with his children and grandchildren.

Help Muning
Little By Little, Little Becomes A lot
“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ― Thomas Jefferson. We look forward to collaborating and assisting Mr. Muning and his family in sustainable farming and marketing more of his products and attracting more potential customers for his product through Farmily. Stay tuned for more updates on his journey towards sustainability!
Email us for further information: farmilyfarm.malaysia@gmail.com